The 2025 Winter Homecoming queen candidates are Jocelyn Fess, Annabelle Gorman, Dakota Hazelbaker, Avery Stewart, and Lydia Witt. The king candidates are Jaden Garcia, Brody Gomez, Sutton Horn, Elias Martin, and Blaiton Terry. Let’s meet the candidates!
Our first candidate pair is Jocelyn and Jaden. Jocelyn participates in many sports, including cheerleading, cross-country running, track and field, and powerlifting. She is also involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the History Club, the Physics Club, the National Honor Society (NHS), and Zero Reasons Why. She plans to attend Pittsburg State University to pursue a degree in exercise science and cheer on the side.
Jaden is a member of the Student Council (StuCo). He also wrestles and plays football and is fully committed to playing football at Emporia State. In his free time, he works out and plays video games. He’s a wall ball champion and a Fortnite pro.
Our next pair of candidates is Annabelle and Brody. Annabelle is a part of the dance team, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), track and field, and tennis. On top of that, she is also the yearbook’s editor-in-chief, StuCo’s secretary and co-social media manager, a key club editor, the NHS vice president, SkillsUSA co-vice president, and the co-founder of Zero Reasons Why. She also takes dance lessons at Rock Ballet and assists with classes. Additionally, she is a part of the Mary Queen of Angels Youth Group. She plans to attend Kansas State University, majoring in marketing and dance. Her free time consists of working out, hanging out with friends, playing with her dogs, and dancing.
Brody plays football and baseball. He also wrestles. He plans to pursue football at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth, Texas. (More information on Bordy to come!)
Our next pair of candidates are Dakota and Sutton. Dakota is the president of the Fort Scott Future Farmers of America (FFA). She is also an NHS member, a volleyball player, and a Missouri School Rodeo Association member. She intends to attend Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, or NEO A&M, in Miami, Oklahoma, and compete on their rodeo team. Then, she wants to transfer to a four-year university to pursue a speech pathology degree, studying and treating speech and language problems.
Sutton is a member of NHS, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Zero Reasons Why, StuCo, Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). He also plays golf and is on the powerlifting team. He plans to attend the University of Kansas and pursue a degree in finance.
Next, we have candidates Avery and Elias. Avery is a member of many clubs such as StuCo, Zero Reasons Why, FCCLA, and JAG-K. She also plays volleyball and is a part of the swim team. She plans to attend Barton County Community College in Great Bend on a swimming scholarship where she will get her general education degree.
Elias is currently involved in FFA and swimming. He plans to enlist in the Air National Guard and then further his education at Kansas State University or Pittsburg State University.
Our final pair of candidates include Lydia and Blaiton. Lydia is an active member of Zero Reasons Why, JAG-K, StuCo, Key Club, and Healthcare Occupations for Students of America, otherwise known as HOSA. She plans to attend Missouri Southern State University to major in special education elementary education.
Blaiton is FFA’s vice president, the National Honor Society’s treasurer, county line 4-H’s president, and the senior class vice president. He is also involved in powerlifting. He plans on attending Kansas State University to study for a degree in agronomy, which is the science and technology of producing and using plants by agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, chemicals, recreation, and/or land conservation. This field includes plant genetics, physiology, meteorology, and soil science research. He hunts, fishs, and works on his old trucks in his free time.