“BoJack Horseman” is a Netflix original that streamed from 2014 until its final season in 2018. The show stars Will Arnett as the voice of Bojack. This show touches on a lot of deep topics such as mental health and other worldly topics from that time period.
The show takes a deepdive into a humanoid horseman and his life after being a famous sitcom actor in the 90’s as he struggles with substance abuse, mental health issues, alcoholism and overall being a bad person.
The first episode opens showing BoJack, a 50 year old horse who was on a famous sitcom “horsin’ around” (Based on the sitcom Full house) back in the 90s.
The show follows Bojacks life after fame through his addictions and healing process. The show walks us through generations of trauma that BoJacks family has gone through, such as his grandmother Honey Horseman having a lobotomy and how he carries that trauma through into his current day life.
This show has a rhyme or reason for everything. There is foreshadowing in pretty much every episode. Overall, a “BoJack Horseman” is a great watch, and I would definitely recommend it.