A personal computer is a very useful tool for someone who knows how to operate all its properties properly and identify possible issues. However, laptops can be seen as a better option due to their portability and reliability for travel.
As high schoolers, we all have a mandatory school laptop that always seems to have a different issue each hour. For those who have little laptop experience, it can be very annoying to deal with. However, with proper care and handling of the laptops, we can prevent many issues before they even appear. Here is a list of easy things you can start doing to help your laptop perform better:
- Handle the laptop properly
This includes not throwing or tossing the laptop on the ground. Be careful where it is to avoid people accidentally stepping or damaging the laptop.
- Allow the laptop some rest time
Don’t just put the screen down – properly shut the laptop down to allow the CPU some rest. However, with higher-end CPUs, they are less susceptible to issues with high uptime.
- Properly update the laptop (and Chrome)
This will prevent slower load times and can keep your laptop at its peak performance or add new software. If you don’t keep it properly updated, you risk missing a really important update. Make sure your laptop fully runs the update to ensure the update is properly installed to avoid major performance issues (I have personal experience with this one).