Did you know, that some of the most popular board games we play today have been around for centuries or been influenced by ancient games? Many of these games have influenced many variations throughout the centuries leading to some of the most popular games today.
The oldest board game that is known today as The Royal Game of Ur, this game’s rules were written on a cuneiform tablet written by a Babylonian astronomer in 177 B.C. The game of Ur is played using two sets of seven pieces. The game relies both on strategy and luck. Over 100 of these boards have been found across the world.
In ancient Egypt, however, The game “Hounds and Jackals” was a popular choice. This game was played with two players on a board with two sets of 29 holes and small pegs with either a dog head or a jackal’s head to indicate each player’s piece. More than 70 of these boards have been found scattered around the world, in places such as Israel, Turkey, Egypt, and the Mediterranean.
In Asia, a popular game arose called Go. This game dates back to the fourth century BCE. Legends trace this game back to a mythical Emperor named Yao. Played with pieces called stones two players take turns placing their stones on the board. Go was considered one of the four essential arts for cultured members of Chinese society.
These games had been a cornerstone of the ancient world. Games were a way to bring people together and hone skills and practice logic and reasoning. Games offered an escape from the difficult lives ancient people lived. For years games have been able to connect people of different societies.