With many plot twists and turns, Steven Universe is one of the many cartoons that everyone can enjoy. Steven Universe is an animated series created by Rebecca Sugar in 2013 that lasted five seasons and aired on Cartoon Network. The show follows a young boy named Steven Universe, who is half-human and half-space gem. He lives in Beach City with other gems such as Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl. Together, they fight off enemy gems from their home planet, Homeworld, which is controlled by a diamond authority with White Diamond at the top, followed by Yellow and Blue Diamond, and Pink Diamond at the bottom.
Before Steven was born, Pink Diamond was shattered (essentially killed) by a rebel leader from Earth called Rose Quartz. Rose faced many challenges and led her group, known as the Crystal Gems, into countless battles and wars. Rose was Steven’s mom.
Since gem life is so complicated, Rose had to give up her physical form for Steven to exist. Therefore, Steven was given her gem in the same spot as hers: right in the middle of the stomach. What do all of the other diamonds want? To eradicate the earth where all the rebel soldiers reside.
Steven Universe also has a TV movie featuring a time span of three years, followed by one season of Steven Universe Future, which follows Steven’s story all the way until he goes to college.