On Nov. 13th, the members of the FFA went to Girard. Within this trip, 3 different groups competed. The first one is the Greenhand Division which consists of freshmen, the next one is the Intermediate Group which is 9th grade through 12 grade, and the final division is Chapter Division which consists of leadership officers who are juniors and seniors.
During this trip, there were two contests per division: the ritual contest and the official closing and opening ceremonies. During these contests, students learned public speaking skills, leadership, teamwork, decision-making, and active listening skills. It seemed to be that the advisor, Ms. Cullison, was quite pleased with the results. She shared, “Yes I’m pleased with the results as an advisor teaching 5 groups of kids. It went very well.” The FFA team did very well that day: the Greenhand Ritual team placed 2nd, the Greenhand Parliamentary Procedure team ranked 6th overall, the Intermediate Ritual team placed 4th overall, they then placed 2nd overall for Parliamentary Procedure and finally the Chapter Ritual team ranked 4th overall.